Thursday, March 28, 2013

Preview: No Grade Gundam Model Kits

Now that I've done the first 2 Gunpla reviews, it's time for another "Review Preview"! Hah! That sounded more stupid than I thought. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find the Entry Grade GAT-X105 Strike Gundam. Oh well. Once I track one down, as usual, I'll post the unboxing & review details here. (Not really interested with the Entry Grade GN-0000 00 Gundam. But I'll track that down as well, for the sake of completing the Entry Grade series kits.)

But anyway. Enough of my blabbering. Let's see the next set of Gunpla model kits! I'm excited since these kits are from my favorite Gundam series!

No Grade XXXG-01W Wing Gundam
No Grade XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe
No Grade XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam
If you've read my previous preview post (tongue twister), I told everyone that I bought 5 Gunpla model kits. 2 of the pictures above show you part of the 5 kits that I've originally bought first, which are the 1/144 Scale XXXG-01W Wing Gundam and XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe. I actually bought 2 more Gundam model kits last Tuesday and the 1/144 Scale XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam is one of them. Which means that we still have 2 more kits to review after this. Wow. Buying kits when you still have other kits to assemble. You're an impulse buyer, Jyuzou. (But I just can't help myself...)

For these next set of kits, I don't have a specific date on when I'll be able to publish the unboxing and review posts. The model kits that we'll check out next are special to me so I'd like to make the reviews more "official", if that makes sense. I hope that made sense. But it most probably did not. Sorry. Let me explain.

The reason for this is because I'll be posting these kits' reviews (hopefully) simultaneously with my Gunpla Review videos, as I had previously intended to do for all of my reviews. I'd really like to make review videos since I think it would be easier on the eyes. And since I'm catering to people new to the Gunpla world (just like me), I think videos would be more entertaining in general. However, as I've said earlier on one of my previous posts (and is also the reason why I wasn't able to make a video review equivalent for the Entry Grade kits I've reviewed), I don't have the necessary gear as of the moment to make decent videos.

However, I'll still be posting other Gundam or Gunpla related stuff while I wait for my video equipment, which I think will take a while. There are other exciting Gunpla stuff in the next couple of months, so watch out for that! (I'll discuss that in my next post!)

With that said, see you in the next post!

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